Important Numbers

Below, please find important contact information for our community.

Important Community Numbers:

Emergency - 911 (Be sure to tell them you are in the Fox Valley/Countryside district for Fire and EMT)

Fire Department Non-Emergency-630-584-3473

South Elgin Police Non Emergency-847-741-2151

Kane County Sheriff Non-Emergency - 630-232-6840

Com Ed - 1-800-Edison-1

Nicor Gas - 1-888-642-6748

Village of South Elgin - 847-742-5780

Water/Sewer (Village of South Elgin) - 847-742-5780

Trash Service (Groot) - 847-429-7370

Sign up for E-Notify/Emergency Alerts for South Elgin

Building Permit Applications - 847-742-5780

Sagebrook Homeowner's Association

c/o Real Manage

PO Box 4806

Oak Brook, IL 60522

PH: 866-473-2573


Access your account at: Select Access Portals and then Owner/Resident Portal

KHovnanian Homes

(Click Here for other Homeowner information)